mardi 24 mars 2015

Melilla Isis' s door : a gateway to everything

Moroccan officials Sunday announced the arrest of a number alleged terrorists who had pledged loyalty to the Islamic State group. The Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations conducted a series of raids across the country: in Agadir, Marrakech, Boujaad, Tangiers, Ain Harouda and in the Sahara, and seized weapons in addition to making arrests
Terrorists were planning a series of military and political assassinations, including attacks on security forces to steal their weapons. Those arrested also are suspected of recruiting young Moroccans to fight in Iraq and Syria for the militant group, which is also known as ISIS or ISIL
The bureau’s director, Abdelkader Khiyam, said 1,354 Moroccans are believed to have gone to fight with extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, of which 156 have returned to Morocco. So far 246 Moroccan fighters have died in Syria and another 40 in Iraq, he added
Khiyam showed journalists six handguns, ammunition and computers confiscated from the 13 people arrested — most in the southern coastal town of Agadir. the militant cell obtained its weapons through the Spanish enclave of Melilla, authorities announced on Monday
Melilla: a gateway to everything
Melilla is an open market for everything, here in “la Cañada” you can get what you want from drugs to stolen cars, and even encounter wanted criminals walking around freely, or hear some Islamic state’s slogans
la Cañada represents 13% of the total area of ​​Melilla, where 29% of the total population of the city live, mostly Muslims, and a few dozen Christians of Moroccan or of dual nationalities. It is a Random marginalized area, very poor where young people are mostly unemployed, living on State subsidies under very strict conditions, or through the smuggling activities or simple occupations. The Neighborhood turned into a source of crimes of all kinds, nothing prevents from comparing it to south african ghettos throughout the apartheid
When terrorism works for Spain’s Favour
At the entrance to the neighborhood you can see graffities through which young people express marginalization and exclusion practiced against them, some phrases in English and Spanish show the influence of radical ideas on these youth and the penetration of “Daash” speeches in their everyday life. Between March and last August 24 people from this neighborhood were arrested, including two Frenchmen, and it appears clearly from the investigation that most of the terrorist cells have links with other members in European countries and nearby suburbs, the basic task is to attract volunteers to be sent to fight in hot spots, especially Syria and Iraq
Some predict more terrorism to be produced in these horrible conditions of life, as a result of the unfair decision spanish authorities have made since the 80s, with the foreigners act, which deprived people of Melilla their full rights of citizenship and equality with Spanish citizens.. but at the same time that Spanish authorities express fear from what this neighborhood is turning into, they surprisingly wouldn’t cut off support from the mosque described as the center of terrorism of the erea, and continue on helping some Muslim activists who play roles in favor of both sides
In the midst of the conflict between Rabat and Madrid on the religious’ control over the two colonized cities: Ceuta and Melilla, there is always an intention in the Spanish side to dislocate the city’s identity and disturb its spiritual belonging to the kingdom of Morocco. Spanish authorities seem to be willing to try EVERYTHING to strip the Moroccan Ministry of islamic affairs from its power such as appointing imams and broadcasting speeches in the two cities.. as employing some radical movements to perform Proxy war

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