mardi 24 mars 2015

America Allow to launch satellites for the company, "SpaceX"

سلاح الجو الأميركي يدرس مسألة السيطرة على التلوث بعد إطلاق الأقمار الصناعية(الأوروبية)

US Air Force said that the past by allowing the company "SpaceX" for launching military satellites, and other spy in June next.

Air Force and added that efforts will focus on the final approval of the second stage engine, the private structure missile "Falcon 9" which is produced by the company.

According to the US Air Force yesterday that he worked closely with the Exploration Technologies (SpaceX company) to develop a map of the relatively small amount of work that needs to be done before the completion of the licensing process.

Once SpaceX get the permit will be allowed to enter into bidding on the launch of operations carried out by the whole now, "United Launch Alliance", a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, the two biggest for the manufacture of weapons in the United States.

The US Air Force said officials also are studying the issue of pollution control, while completing the permit process for SpaceX.

United announced the winch Alliance yesterday that it would ask the Americans to vote during the next two weeks to choose a name for the new missile, among Eagle or Freedom or Galaxy Wen, and will announce the chosen name in the April 13 / April next year.

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